Academic Web Accessibility


Our Stories: Fostering Conversations about Disability Justice at KSU
Equidox PDF Accessibility



What your colleagues are saying about AWA

  • I proudly say that my course went from an initial 48% accessible to 90% after applying all the knowledge I received in the workshop. I highly recommend faculty talk to [AWA] at DLI and learn more about creating accessible content. It is worth it! ”

  • Academic Web Accessibility in DLI is one of the most valuable resources for accessibility at KSU. They are committed to ensuring academic equity and knowledgeable about how to help faculty put that value into practice. DLI's work directly and positively contributes to the ability of KSU's students to engage fully with course materials, especially students who have a disability. KSU is lucky to have such a diligent, dedicated team!”

  • Having accessible materials increases the value for all of my students, those with physical or sensory impairments as well as those without. Captioned videos make it easier to learn the spelling of unfamiliar words, understand guest speakers who speak quietly or with unfamiliar accents, and access content when listening is not an option. Making all my materials accessible does take considerable time, but I feel good about the gradual progress I’m making in that direction. ”
